Hi! I'm Vitor Demenighi,

a Mobile Developer. 🤟



Graphi was developed to facilitate communication between pediatricians and parents responsible for patients, in order to improve the understanding of their children's health status.

My role:

Participation in the user research process, all development planning, implementation of different features such as graphic exams, in-app purchase, unit tests, API RevenueCat tests, integration with Firebase, etc. I also developed 100% of the old Android version


Swift, UIKit, MVVM, Unit tests and API tests (XCTest), Firebase Analytics, Fastlane, RevenueCat, In-app Purchase, Continuos Integration with GitubActions, Lottie, JSON parsing, Java, JUnit, TestFlight, App Store Connect and Google Play Console

Benditas Mães

Benditas Mães was developed to be a maternal support network to share doubts in forums, find professionals and match and talk to other mothers.

My role:

Responsible for the maintenance and implementation of new features in both iOS and Android versions. Some features I implemented: push notifications, changes to the user interface on almost all screens, adjustment of the user's location logic and changes in network requests.


Swift, UIKit, MVVM, Coordinator, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Alamofire, Keychain, User defaults, Java, Retrofit, MVC, Picasso, TestFlight, App Store Connect and Google Play Console


Niteline is a tower defense strategy game with unique mechanics and a minimalist design.

My role:

Participation in the entire game development process, not only programming but also contributing to the elaboration of the game design and creation of some assets. In addition, I worked as a Scrum Master, managing the team throughout the development process.


Swift, SpriteKit, Animations, Gamecenter, Admob and Sketch

Unpublished apps


Wolf was developed to facilitate the conversion of the stock currency supporting different currency types, such as BRL, USD, EUR, etc.

My role:

Participation in the creation of BDD scenarios and application development.


Swift, UIKit, BDD, XCTest and Alamofire


NutriMetta is an app based on behavioral change and gamification models to promote the change of users' eating habits through tasks and challenges. A research project carried out in partnership with the Nutrition course at PUCRS.

My role:

Participation in the process of creating tasks and challenges, creating some assets and responsible for developing the application


Java, Firebase, Realtime Database, Firebase Authentication, Alarm Manager and JUnit


Identifik was developed to be an auxiliary tool in children's literacy, teaching through the recognition of objects using a machine learning algorithm the child to read and write.

My Role:

Participation in the model training and application development.


Swift, UIKit, CoreML and TestFlight

Beer Pong

Beer Pong is an augmented reality game developed in the AR challenge within Apple Developer Academy.

My Role:

Participation in all development process


Swift, UIKit, SceneKit, ARKit and Google Ads